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The Jerry Tolson Jazz Clinic
Clinics are available for your ensemble, school district, or professional organization. Listed below are our current offerings:
The Jazz Commandments: Guidelines for Successful, Authentic Swing Performance
How Do You Make 'Em Swing After They've Seen Paris? Establishing the Swing Feel
RX: Developing A Healthy Rhythm Section
The T.O.T.A.L. Approach to Jazz Education - a comprehensive approach to teaching jazz
Spice is Nice: Mastering Latin Grooves
Jazz Combo: A Valuable Alternative and/or Addition to Your Jazz Program/Curriculum
Rehearsal Techniques for Jazz Directors
Unlock the Secrets to Solo Success: Nine Keys to Better Jazz Improvisation
Developing Creative Jazz Improvisation: Use the L.I.A.R.S. System
To receive a detailed synopsis and clinic outline, fill out the form below and it will be emailed to you immediately.
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